10 Seconds To Air : High Achievers and The Tools To Keep Calm
Wouldn’t it be great if you could achieve all you want in life without feeling overwhelming stress and anxiety? Being a high achiever can be full of wins but it can also never feel like it's enough. High achievers seem to be constantly pushing yet they rarely feel content with their accolades. There’s always more to be done! In this podcast, Clinical Psychologist Mary Anderson, PhD. says you can do it all and be happy if you know what to look for. In her new book, The Happy High Achiever she shares the essential principles for managing our stress while we continue to push ourselves.
- Web: : https://maryandersonphd.com
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG1_DIh33LfXaiEiOscEyGQ
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alitakguillen/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/10secondstoair/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alitaguillen/
- Web: https://www.alitaguillen.com/
- Web: https://www.10secondstoair.com/

10 Seconds To Air
We are constantly communicating. How well we do it has a significant impact on our success and happiness.
From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, we are sending emails and texts, giving presentations, talking to loved ones and co-workers, and interacting with our surroundings.
In this podcast, the globe’s top achievers and experts reveal their communication hacks and what goes through their mind 10 seconds before a big moment.
10 Seconds to Air host Alita Guillen brings her curiosity and common sense to each episode. Her fun and relaxed style makes you feel as though you are in the room and leads to an informative conversation that is both inspiring and thought-provoking.
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From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, we are sending emails and texts, giving presentations, talking to loved ones and co-workers, and interacting with our surroundings.
In this podcast, the globe’s top achievers and experts reveal their communication hacks and what goes through their mind 10 seconds before a big moment.
10 Seconds to Air host Alita Guillen brings her curiosity and common sense to each episode. Her fun and relaxed style makes you feel as though you are in the room and leads to an informative conversation that is both inspiring and thought-provoking.
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