Chanel in the City : Episode # 122: Caroline D'Amore chats standing up for the Jewish community, her next Pizza Girl venture and Hollywood!


Caroline D'Amore, owner and creator of one of our favorite Pizza Sauces, Pizza Girl, stops by Chanel in the City to chat with Chanel Omari on all things Pizza Girl, How she's standing up against anti semitism and helping bring back home the hostages is so important.
Caroline has changed the game  when it comes to being a voice and advocate for the Jewish people and how to end war on violence and terrorism in general. 

Caroline is passionate and has been inspired to stand up for the Jewish communtiy during these difficult times of the Israeli Hamas conflict and how she thinks we can all achieve peace and end terrorism. 

caroline chats about her new venture, Pizza Grill and how she was inspired to create Pizza Girl despite the obstacles she had to face in Hollywood. 

Make sure to follow her on all social media platforms @carolinedamore and @pizzagirl for more info 📽️
Chanel in the City
You might know her from a show called Princesses Long Island on Bravo TV or a DJ radio host on 106.1 BLI/iheartradio. Now, Chanel Omari is hitting the biggest city in the world and covering the hottest spots where celebrities are spotted , giving us access to all the hot places to check out, getting real with celebrities on how they overcame obstacles in a major city. 
Chanel Omari is a must listen to podcast! She provides a refreshing experience around the city, creating a community that supports us finding and loving ourselves.