Don't Be Alone with Jay Kogen : Actress/Activist Meredith Salenger Says Jay Needs To Fight The Mediocre Fight


Meredith Salenger talks about fighting for justice, making peace, mediating, falling in love over text, growing up in Malibu, being picked to be a star by John Houston, being a good stepmother, having a dentist dad, Patton Oswalt, Natty Gann, sunsets, and wolves. 

Bio: Meredith Salenger is an actress, writer, producer from Malibu, CA who began her professional acting career at the age of 10, playing an orphan in 1982’s “Annie,” directed by John Huston. She is perhaps best known for her starring role performances in “The Journey of Natty Gann” with John Cusack, “Dream a little Dream,” and “A Night in Life of Jimmy Reardon” opposite River Phoenix. Meredith graduated cum laude from Harvard with a degree in psychology, before resuming her focus on acting to star in “H.U.D” with Steve Carell, and “Chicks” from the writers of “Seinfeld.”  Her varied additional credits from film and television include the likes of “Will & Grace,” “Anger Management,” “24,” “Dawson’s Creek,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Daredevil,” “Damages,” David Kelley’s “Lake Placid” and John Carpenter’s “Village of the Damned.” You can also hear her voiceover work in a trio of “Star Wars” vehicles – “The Clone Wars,” “Rebels,” and “The Force Awakens,” along with such projects as “The Secret Life of Pets 2,”  “My Little Pony,” “Teen Titans Go! to the Movies,” “Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!,” “Robot Chicken,” “Lego DC Super Hero Girls,” and Marvel’s latest, “M.O.D.O.K” on Hulu.  She is currently in development for an animated show with her writing and producing partner, Matt Boren, and also  produces and hosts a hilarious podcast with her husband, Patton Oswalt, called “Did you get my text?”Her most recent film “the prank”starring Rita Moreno is streaming now and she has a soon to be released dark comedy called “I hate myself and want to die.”
Don't Be Alone with Jay Kogen
Join Jay Kogen, former stand-up actor and award-winning comedy writer, as he shares his great stories from his decades in show business on his podcast, "Don't Be Alone with Jay Kogen." With a mission to fight disconnection in modern life, Jay invites funny, smart, and interesting guests to tackle life issues he's dealing with. From stand-ups to actors, writers to artists, Jay's guests are always entertaining. Tune in to Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere you get your podcasts to listen to "Don't Be Alone with Jake Hogan" and be prepared for some awkward but nice conversations.