Don't Be Alone with Jay Kogen : Jay Makes Lew Schneider’s House Burning Down All About Jay
Writer/Comic/Director Lew Schneider talks about how he copes with his house burning down in the L.A. firesand. How to manage the feelings of loss and gratitude, how his wife Liz is feeling, the kindness of people, what he’ll miss, the french horn, and how he no longer needs his signed Bobby Orr poster.
Bio: Lew Schneider is a youthful 62 year old man
California Community Foundation
Project HOPE
Bio: Lew Schneider is a youthful 62 year old man
California Community Foundation
Project HOPE

Don't Be Alone with Jay Kogen
Join Jay Kogen, former stand-up actor and award-winning comedy writer, as he shares his great stories from his decades in show business on his podcast, "Don't Be Alone with Jay Kogen." With a mission to fight disconnection in modern life, Jay invites funny, smart, and interesting guests to tackle life issues he's dealing with. From stand-ups to actors, writers to artists, Jay's guests are always entertaining. Tune in to Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere you get your podcasts to listen to "Don't Be Alone with Jake Hogan" and be prepared for some awkward but nice conversations.