Michael Madsen: American Badass : American Badass: Billy Baldwin


Michael Madsen is joined by actor Billy Baldwin. They have a candid conversation about growing up with their fathers who were from a different generation. Michael's dad was a firefighter in Chicago and Billy's was a football coach and teacher in New York. They share stories about the old-school parenting methods of their dads, including corporal punishment, and how they instilled values like courage and integrity in their sons. Though it may seem harsh by today's standards, they look back fondly on those formative experiences. The two friends reminisce about fun childhood adventures and reflect on how their upbringings shaped them into the men they are today. Despite the challenges, their fathers gave them many positive life lessons that they still carry with them. Michael and Billy have great admiration for their dads and are striving to be similarly strong role models for their own children.

Michael Madsen: American Badass
Michael Madsen sits down with guests to discuss tales of the old New Hollywood. 
American Badass is produced by: Ryan Tillotson Tyler Nielsen Elizabeth Keener and Franziska Morai. 
Written by Franziska Morai
Music by Kyle Merritt 
From Straw Hut Media