Chanel in the City : Adam Cohen Aslatei chats matchmaking, finding love in 2025 and tips for Valentine's Day!
Adam Cohen, CEO of Three Day Rule, one of the most iconic and popular matchmaking services in the US right now, stops by Chanel in the City to chat with host, Chanel Omari on all things V-DAY and how to finid long healthy consistent love through matchmaking. Adam shares his experience being a CEO of dating apps like S'MORE, a non superficial app matching people based on characteristics and personality qualities- going beyond the dating scope and dating within and on a much deeper level. Adam shares with us this Valentine's Day what we can do as singles and within a couple to show our love and maintain a healthy consisent relationship all around.
Adam also teaches us how to DATE in major cities from ages 25-55 and above! Adam helps us navigate some of the biggest obstacles in dating and tips to watch out for red flags and taking dating on as a skill set and a business.
Adam also teaches us how to DATE in major cities from ages 25-55 and above! Adam helps us navigate some of the biggest obstacles in dating and tips to watch out for red flags and taking dating on as a skill set and a business.

Chanel in the City
You might know her from a show called Princesses Long Island on Bravo TV or a DJ radio host on 106.1 BLI/iheartradio. Now, Chanel Omari is hitting the biggest city in the world and covering the hottest spots where celebrities are spotted , giving us access to all the hot places to check out, getting real with celebrities on how they overcame obstacles in a major city.
Chanel Omari is a must listen to podcast! She provides a refreshing experience around the city, creating a community that supports us finding and loving ourselves.
Chanel Omari is a must listen to podcast! She provides a refreshing experience around the city, creating a community that supports us finding and loving ourselves.