Shaping Freedom With Lisane Basquiat : Family, Identity & the Stories We Carry with Phill Branch


What does it really mean to live your truth? It’s a phrase we hear often, but rarely define. Is it about being your most authentic self? Seeing the world clearly and finding your place in it? Or is it something deeper?

Today on Shaping Freedom, we’re diving into this question with Emmy award-winning filmmaker, writer, professor, and Moth Grand Slam champion Phil Branch. His work sits at the intersection of identity, race, and media representation, all with a focus on truth-telling.

Phil will take us on the journey of creating the highly acclaimed Searching for Shinnequa, exploring our biases, how they shape us, and what it truly means to live your truth in a post-truth world.
This is Shaping Freedom. 
Shaping Freedom With Lisane Basquiat
Welcome to Shaping Freedom where we teach you how to create the change you want so you are empowered to author a life story you love to read. I am your host, Lisane Basquiat. Each week I'll speak with inspirational leaders and we'll explore and share practical ways to create extraordinary life experiences!